Creative breakthroughs occur, when worlds collide

Quentin Esteban, Thai-Nam Hoang, Paul-Bogdan Jurcut, Jan Kokla, Valentin Peyron

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In 2004, American entrepreneur Frans Johansson published the book “The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures”. In other words, by merging ideas from a range of diverse backgrounds, one can increase the likelihood of intellectual cross-pollination, which might lead to innovation and success. Our goal is to see if this holds true in the movie industry.


We use the data about the movies, mainly their genres and plots to generate graphs that help us to quantify “being at the intersection”, which will later be used in correlation analysis. This is the high-level idea, let’s now go to details.

“At the intersection”?

Before we can dive deep into the movies, we need to first think about the concept of “being at the intersection” for a second. Most natural way of looking at it is network graphs. With 2 simple examples, we will introduce the two measures that we’re going to use for quantifying it: degree and betweenness.


If you take a look at the graph below, you see that we have 2 bigger clusters and one node that sits at the intersection. This is exactly what the Medici effect referred to! The yellow node in the middle is a combination of the ideas from both clusters or controls the flow of information and according to the theory should be more successful. Visually it all looks really simple to grasp right, but how can we quantify it? This is where betweenness measure comes in.

Bokeh Plot

If you take all pairs of nodes from the graph and find the shortest paths between them, then betweenness centrality for a certain node is the percentage of these shortest paths that go through the node. If you now once again look at the graph above and focus on the colors of the nodes, you see that the lighter the color, the bigger the betweenness (hover over the nodes). We have successfully quantified “being at the intersection” for clustered network graphs.


What if we don’t have such clear clusters, but rather have a big chunk of quite similar movies and then some outliers as seen from the graph below? We don’t really have nodes that act as bridges between clusters and sit at the intersections. In that case, let’s redefine the Medici effect in the movie industry a bit and say that the most successful movies will be the ones that have taken ideas from many other movies and thus are connected to the biggest possible number of other nodes. You might already have guessed… degree of the node is exactly what we need.

Bokeh Plot

The degree of a node is the number of connections that it has to other nodes in the network. This time, the color of the node reflects exactly that (lighter color means higher degree). If you hover over the nodes, you can compare the betweenness and degree measures for the node. Naturally, the ones in the big cluster have higher degree, compared to the ones in the outskirts.


Now that we have the theory settled, let’s look at the data. We used CMU Movie Summary Corpus that contains the release year, name and plot descriptions. The histogram below, is representing the number of movie (frequency) each year for our preprocessed data. We can see that there is a considerable amount of movies. To cope with such quantities, we decided to run the analysis on decade basis. In other words, all the correlation analyses below are done for 10 years: 1920-1929, 1930-1939 etc. As visualising even 1000 nodes would be computationally heavy, all the following graphs use year 2012 as an example (388 nodes).

Bokeh Plot

We have already talked a lot about the “success” of a movie. In this analysis we decided to use IMDB ratings as the proxy for it, which we merged with the existing data. On the graphs below, you see that ratings are nicely distributed and mostly between 4 and 8. This is good to keep in mind when performing correlation analysis - one of the arguments is almost normally distributed and if it so for the other variable, we can use parametric methods.

Bokeh Plot

What about the movies?

We have found ways for quantifying the centrality of the node, but how about movies? There must be a way of representing our big corpus of data as graphs so that we could calculate the metrics we discussed above and measure their correlation with IMDB ratings. For that we came up with 2 main alternative approaches, which include embeddings and genres. The genre approach is in turn divided into two as we used raw genres and then tried a more custom approach.


The idea is simple: find the similarity between all possible combinations of movies and if they’re similar enough, create an edge. The reality is a bit more complex. We first need to turn movies into vector representations. In order to do that, we’ll use an embedding model E5-large-v2 that takes the plot of the movie as an input and converts it into normalized feature vector with embedding size of 1024.

Once we have vectorized the plots and as they’re normalized, we can calculate the cosine similarities between the plots with dot product. Below you can see an example of similarity matrix with 20 random movies. Notice that one of the quirks of the embedding model is that all the cosine similarities are between 0.7 and 1.0. As we still have a distribution, it will not be a problem for us.

Bokeh Plot

Let’s make a sanity check and take a look at the similarity matrix to see if it intuitively makes sense. Sortie 67 and Victim both talk about witnessing a brutal murder, so it makes sense to qualify them as similar. On the other hand, How to Start a Revolution is not too similar to any other movie. This is expected as it’s a biographical documentary, whereas all the others are based on fiction. It is especially different from Rabbit Hole, which talks about a happy couple whose life is turned upside down after their young son dies in an accident. Thus, it seems that the embedding model has bone a decent job.

Once we have the similarity matrix, we need to figure out the threshold for the similarities. We want to create an edge between all the movies for which the similarity is higher than the number we pick. How to Start a Revolution from the similarity matrix, for example, will not have too many connected movies. In order to come up with threshold, let’s look at the histogram of the similarities below.

Bokeh Plot

The values are normally distributed and in order to keep it simple, let’s set the limit for creating as edge to 75% percentile. We have finally reached the goal… we have a graph. For better visibility, the one below only includes the movies from 2012. For the first graph, we use really simple approach, where the size of the node is constant and the color depicts the rating (lighter color → higher rating).

Hover over the nodes to see attributes and click on it to see its neighbours.

Feel free to drag, zoom and filter based on IMDB rating.

Bokeh Plot

As we have only one big cluster, then the question to ask when coming back to the research problem is “whether the movies with higher degree are more successful”. In other words, we should see that the lighter nodes tend to be at the centre of the graph. From the visual inspection it is really hard to tell if that’s the case. If anything, it might be that the movies with the worst ratings (dark purple) are more central, which would turn the logic of the theory upside down - better connectivity means lower rating.


Before we get to correlations, let’s see another approach for generating network graphs. We first use the genres provided in the dataset and them apply a custom approach for more robust results.

Raw Genres

As every movie has one or several genres associated with it, we can use it to form a graph: there will be an edge between the movies, if they have at least one common genre. Now it’s getting interesting as we’re using exactly the same movies to generate the graph, but it looks completely different from the first one. When in the first case, the color represented the rating, then this time we have used betweenness instead… or logarithm of betweenness to be precise to get better variability of colors. The size of the node now depends on the rating. As you can see, there are some really distinct clusters where betweenness is 0, but again no clear pattern of size-color dynamics that we’re searching for.

Bokeh Plot

Genres & Themes

“Who came up with those genres?” you might ask, and you’re right. Do you know what is gloat gland or why should we have a genre named “The Netherlands in World War II”?

Some genres, such as “Black-and-white” or “Animation,” do not directly relate to the plot but rather to the style or technique of the movie. The presence of subgenres like “Romantic Drama” complicates the situation, as they often represent a mixture of primary genres, making it difficult to maintain clear distinctions. Even among the most popular genres, we observe unnecessary entanglement. For instance, while “Comedy” and “Drama” are distinct in the emotions they evoke, genres like “Science-Fiction” or “Crime” often overlap with others such as “Drama” and “Comedy,” serving more as settings or themes rather than standalone genres.

Bokeh Plot

To enhance the accuracy of our movie classification, we’ve decided to differentiate between “genres” and “themes”. Whereas the genre reflects the type of emotions that is aims to make us feel, the theme is more concerned with the framework in which they are set. Certainly, some genres and themes are more closely linked than others, but these two aspects remain more or less distinct.

Bokeh Plot

Why all this fuss? Now we can use another fancy Large Language Model (LLM) to predict the probability of belonging to a certain genre and a certain theme. We let the model predict genres and themes separately, so we get two vectors with 8 elements that both sum up to 1. As an example, let’s look at Life of Pi and see if the probabilities make sense to the naked eye. First, only genres:

    "Adventure": 0.3571245074272156, 
    "Action": 0.12947343289852142, 
    "Drama": 0.12647315859794617, 
    "Documentary": 0.11648714542388916, 
    "Horror": 0.09885319322347641, 
    "Thriller": 0.06726425886154175, 
    "Romance": 0.06251280009746552, 
    "Comedy": 0.04181152954697609

Life of Pi is far from comedy and rather adventurous with some action and drama… makes sense. What about themes:

    "Fantasy": 0.25475648045539856, 
    "Science-Fiction": 0.16728335618972778, 
    "History": 0.13641420006752014, 
    "Family": 0.09733916819095612, 
    "Western": 0.0917028859257698, 
    "Mystery": 0.08793745934963226, 
    "Crime": 0.0848972499370575, 
    "War": 0.07966917008161545

If Life of Pi is something from these themes, then it will probably be fantasy, so the model was once again successful.

We can now concatenate the two vectors with probabilities, normalize it to unit vector and then we have a feature vector once again for every movie. When the first embedding approach gave us an embedding of size 1024 and all those numbers didn’t tell us anything, then this time we have interpretable values in the feature vector. As with previous approach we find all possible similarity combinations, set the threshold to 75th percentile and create an edge every time similarity is higher than the threshold.

Bokeh Plot

Once again we have a different graph from the same movies. As with previous graph, the color of the node is logarithm of betweenness (lighter color → higher measure) and size illustrates the IMDB rating. While in previous graphs, the betweenness was either really high or almost zero, then this time we have better spread due to the methodology we applied. Visually, however, it is again impossible to say if there is any relationship between the size and color of the node. It’s high time for correlation analysis.

Correlation Analysis

To recap, we have generated the graphs in three different ways, and analysed the relationships between the centrality measures and success (IMDB rating) visually, which didn’t tell us anything conclusive. Hopefully, correlation analysis will shed some more light. Although we have three graphs, we used two different measures to quantify the effect of “being at the intersection” and can therefore have more combinations. Due to the limitations of some of the approaches we confine with the following relationships:

  1. embedding approach: rating vs degree
  2. raw genre approach: rating vs betweenness
  3. genre & theme approach: rating vs degree
  4. genre & theme approach: rating vs betweenness

The most popular correlation measure, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, is really sensitive to outliers, which is why we plotted the distributions of the variables below. Betweenness measures clearly follow the power law and are not suitable for using Pearson’s correlation. The same applies to degree of “genres & themes” that has long tail. Thus, we will use Spearman’s rank correlation for these three, as it is invariant to the outliers.

Bokeh Plot

So, is there a relationship?

To answer the question, let’s look at it once again visually using scatterplots with regression lines. The plots only quantify the association between the degree and the IMDB rating of the nodes using the “embedding approach” for generating the graph. As you can see, the regression lines are only slightly tilted indicating that the correlation between the degree and IMDB rating is very weak. What is interesting, however, is that all decades, without any exception, have small negative correlation. In other words, it might mean that "being at the intersection" or trying to take ideas from many other movies is counterproductive as it is associated with lower rating from the viewers .

Bokeh Plot

How about other approaches? The table below summarises the results with corresponding p-values in brackets. All the other approaches, however, show very weak positive correlation. Although constantly positive, the coefficients are so small that it might be due to chance and the way we generated the graph.

Bokeh Plot

That’s too easy!

Simple correlation might not give us too clear picture though as there are some other variables that might influence the association. For example:

  1. we know that some movies have more ratings than others;
  2. country of origin might influence the IMDB ratings;
  3. IMDB rating might also be depending on the genres of the movie.

Let’s use partial correlation and “control” for such variables.

Bokeh Plot

What happened when we removed the effect of the amount of ratings? Although, the mix of positive and negative correlations is now more confusing, the general picture became much more clear - there is no linear dependency between “being at the intersection” and IMDB ratings. The coefficients are so small that there is no doubt it is due to noise rather than anything else. When coming back to the original question “are movies that merge ideas from different genres/domains more successful”, we can say that based on the used approaches, there is no such relation.


Our story started with the “Medici effect”, the idea that different perspectives could increase the originality and lead to better outcome. We applied the idea to the movie industry and hypothesised that movies with different genres/ideas/motives would be more successful. To validate it, we converted the raw data of the movies into graphs using different approaches for more robustness. Based on graphs we calculated the measure of “being at the intersection”, which we represented with betweenness and degree centrality. Finally, we calculated correlation and controlled for some variables for further robustness.

What can we conclude? Three different approaches told us contradicting stories, but after controlling for confounders, we can conclude that there isn’t any evidence that merging ideas from different genres/domains could help with the popularity or success of a movie. The patterns we observed are likely due to random chance rather than a systematic association. What is more, we saw that the results highly depend on the approach we used for modelling the data, which is to be expected as we went from plot descriptions into graph representations, which is not too straightforward.

Lastly, it’s important to watch out for something called publication bias and a sneaky practice known as p-hacking. Imagine if we had only chosen one of the graphs in the end and only told the story that suits us best. It might seem tempting, especially when the sample size is large enough to show a statistically significant effect. However, we resisted that temptation and made sure to present all our findings, not just the ones that stood out. This honesty is crucial to maintain the credibility and transparency of the research, avoiding any shortcuts that might make our results seem more impressive than they really are.

APPENDIX A. Ethical Risks

We used Digital Ethics Canvas to assess the risks related to the project. It aims to determine if the best movies are at the “intersection of different genres” and the worst outcome could stem from bad methodology and inaccurate results. However, let’s conduct a more in-depth analysis of our project from an ethical standpoint to identify potential risks and explore mitigation strategies.

This analysis was conducted at the end of our work, so none of the proposed measures have been implemented yet.


Firstly, let’s examine the dataset. It was created by a team at Carnegie Mellon University and consists of 42,306 movie plot summaries extracted from Wikipedia, along with aligned metadata from Freebase. Therefore, the data was sourced from public domains. We supplemented this dataset with IMDb ratings and vote counts from a public database. Data gaps were not addressed in our study.


Our project offers insights into cinematic trends and contributes to understanding the factors behind the success of a movie. Specifically, it explores whether using motives from several genres could be beneficial for a movie.


Incorrect results from our study could potentially lead to misguided decisions in movie production, affecting ratings and possibly the financial success of the involved parties. However, since our analysis is based solely on ratings, financial implications are uncertain.

To reduce these risks, we could cross-reference our data with another dataset to increase the robustness of our results. Performing multiple analyses with the same goal and comparing them could also be beneficial, which we did by using various metrics to define “being at the intersection”.


As the data used is completely anonymous, there are no privacy concerns with our dataset.


From a human fairness perspective, our study did not use data related to actors or characters, thus eliminating human-related fairness risks. However, a minor fairness issue might arise from the genres of movies, as our analysis includes genre information, potentially leading to skewed results due to genre distribution imbalances.

To mitigate the risk, it would be useful to ensure a balanced representation of genres. This has been done by “controlling” for genres in the correlation analysis.


Our project requires quite a big computational load, which spends significant amount of energy. It is up to discussion if the results provided by this analysis outweigh the energy consumption. We could make sure that the servers provided for us run on sustainable energy.


Our analysis concluded that there is no relation between taking ideas from different genres and the success of a movie. We could say that it is good news for pure genre movies that aim to uphold their art. If anything it is empowering to special genres with smaller budgets and audiences.